The world of gaming is growing. This has led to a lot more games being released and a lot more players joining the gaming community every day. Today, many gamers find themselves wanting an immersive experience that can provide hours upon hours of gameplay without getting bored or tired easily.

Rover Mechanic Simulator is a unique take on the mechanic sim. It has many features that make it stand out from the rest of the games in its category. The game requires a system with at least 2GB of RAM and an Intel Core i5 processor.

Rover Mechanic Simulator – A Unique Take on the Mechanic Sim


Rover Mechanic Simulator is a simulator developed by Pyramid Games S.A. and released by Ultimate Games S.A. that enables you to experience life as a rover mechanic on Mars. As the lone rover mechanic on Mars, you must ensure that all rovers on the planet are in excellent operating order. It’s a fresh take on the classic auto mechanic sim, and we’re digging into it to discover how much fun it is. We 3d print some components and repair robots on Mars in this post of the PS4 edition of Rover Mechanic Simulator.

In Rover Mechanic Simulator, your primary goal is to complete a three-step procedure. Disassembly Mode, Analysis Mode, and Assembly Mode are the three game modes available. These three modes are crucial in the repair procedure of every rover that comes into your shop. You’ll start by dismantling your rover after reading your assignments. You’ll start by entering Disassembly Mode, and then go on to the pieces that need to be fixed. As you unscrew screws and remove them one by one to get access to the primary element that has to be replaced, several mini-games come into play.


This is a wonderfully soothing game, and it doesn’t stress you out with time constraints or other stress-inducing techniques. One of the finest elements of the game is that you may take your time working on the rovers. After you’ve dismantled the pieces, examine the rover to discover which parts need to be repaired and which need to be replaced. After you’ve completed the repairs and replaced the worn-out components, the Assembly phase begins, during which you reassemble everything you’ve taken apart from the rover. For your convenience, anything you remove from the rover goes into your warehouse, which serves as an inventory of all the components you presently have.

While you may believe that living on Mars would make it difficult to get new parts and repair existing ones, you will be relieved to learn that your facility is state-of-the-art and equipped with everything you need to repair rovers on another planet. In your workshop, you’ll find a fully functional 3D printer, a workbench, a PCB table for all your electronic circuit repairs, a crusher for recycling used parts, and finally, the ECU Configurator, which allows you to configure the rovers after they’ve been repaired to see if they’re fully functional with the new parts or not.


Because there is no other business on Mars and you can’t expect DHL to deliver your new components, the parts shop has been replaced with a handy 3D printer. In your workshop, you may 3D print any damaged component or piece of equipment. You’ll have to pay for 3D printing, and each item takes time to complete depending on its intricacy, but once completed, they’ll be ready to use right immediately. They may be picked up and installed in the rover just like any other component. Extra components and newly 3d-printed pieces taken from the rovers are kept in your inventory.

You now have a Crusher where you may crush old components and if you can salvage anything from them, it will be added to your inventory instead of being discarded. While this is similar to the standard Sims, having these fancy new machines and phrases for purchasing new components and selling old ones is a welcome difference and gives the impression that you are in a future environment, which you are in the game. Because the new machines rely significantly on computers and wires, you now have your own PCB table and ECU configurator to ensure that all circuitry, as well as the physical pieces, is operating properly.


You may also choose from three different professions throughout the game. While they are skill trees, the game refers to them as professions, and you may mix and match or invest in a single tree to master that profession, depending on your mood and playstyle. Analyst, Economist, and Technician are three of these vocations. Technician is for those who like getting their hands dirty and want more DIY jobs, while Analyst is for those who desire speedy bot analysis. Finally, you may choose Economist if you want to improve your money management in the game and ensure that you receive a reasonable return on all of your time invested.

Each of these abilities costs Skill Points, which you acquire as you go through the game. In the game, your duties are labeled as missions, and completing a quest earns you both reputation and money. The more work you do, the higher your level, your reputation rises, and you begin to get more challenging projects, including Premium tasks. These are more difficult quest jobs that take more time and effort, but they pay handsomely and increase your reputation, allowing you to earn more Skill Points. You may refresh your character and apply the gained skill points to new slots if you’re unhappy with your current build. This leaves your choices open, and if you don’t like your current build, you may modify it later to get a new set of talents with which to experiment with new things.


Rover Mechanic Simulation, being only a Rover simulation game, has lots of material to keep you occupied for hours on end, but it does have one flaw that is common to all simulators: long-term playability. While you will love your early hours with the game and fiddling with various rovers inspired by real-world rovers constructed by humans, there will come a moment when the objectives begin to seem monotonous and the same. This is an issue with all simulators, and it’s quite difficult to make them enjoyable for extended periods of time.

The developer has included a lot of stuff in the game, including old games like Space Invaders that you can play on your console while operating your crane, but it all becomes tiresome after a while. Apart than that, the game does not seem to be a new-gen release and is graphically unappealing. The general gameplay is good, but the camera controls are cumbersome. I would have loved if the game included a free-view mode where you could check all sections of the rover without having to deselect and pick another component to move it about, but unfortunately it is restricted to specific portions, and you must deselect and select another part to move it around. Apart from these annoyances, Rover Mechanic Simulator is a delightful game that will keep you occupied for hours.


The Bottom Line:

While Rover Mechanic Simulator is a unique twist on the’mechanic simulator’ genre, it suffers from the same flaws as other similar games. The game is enjoyable for the first few hours, but it quickly becomes dull and repetitive as you repeat the same tasks without making any progress or change in the game. It’s a fun new twist on the theme, and anybody interested in living on Mars or learning about the many rovers we’ve launched into orbit will like this game. You will like Rover Mechanic Simulator if you enjoy simulator games or mechanic games in which you open up equipment, study it, and repair it. For aficionados of mechanic simulators, this is a must-have.

7.5/10 for the overall performance.

Watch This Video-

The “mech mechanic simulator” is a unique take on the mechanic sim. It has a lot of detail in its mechanics and it also provides a lot of different vehicles to use.

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