
Call of Duty has a long-standing tradition of giving away sick-looking skins in the name of camouflage skins. Apart from their stunning looks, these camo skins are free to get and use cosmetics, and they look pretty cool in the game, making them a worthwhile upgrade from the basic version. Because you cannot buy these skins and can only unlock them by grinding, the game makes them even more special. So, if someone is rocking these camo skins and has gotten them in a legit way, you know that they are a hardcore gamer.

Unlocking these camo skins is pretty hard, but you can get the beginner ones fairly easily. Getting military camo or special camo is relatively easier than others. The hard challenges start after completing the special camo challenges. Since they require you to complete the military and special challenges for all weapons beforehand, the process becomes tedious and exceptionally difficult.

So, in this blog, I am going to give you tips that will make your journey far easier and allow you to earn these camos pretty quickly. Don’t get me wrong—doing the missions will still take time, but a lot less than they would otherwise.

However, if grinding through missions isn’t your thing or you simply want to get your hands on the best camos without the effort, you can purchase here and instantly unlock stunning camo skins. Whether you want to show off rare skins or skip the long grind, this is the fastest way to get them.

So get your chips, and let’s dive into this blog.

Tips to Get More Headshots:

One of the most basic missions in camo challenges is the one where you have to get a certain number of headshots in a match. While this sounds easy enough on paper, that is not quite the case. If you manage to get good kills and headshots in one match, you are bound to get placed into a much higher ELO. Now, to combat that problem, here are some tips that will help you get more headshots.

Play Smaller Maps:

Playing on smaller maps will allow you to get more headshots because of the narrow passages, and you’ll easily be able to predict if an enemy is coming from an angle or not. Apart from that, playing smaller maps grants more enemy encounters, further increasing the chances of landing headshots.

Use the Recon Specialty Perk:

Let me tell you a perfectly fair and legal way to get wall hacks in the game—using the recon’s specialty perk. All you need to do is put on every single blue perk in all three available slots, and that will unlock a specialty perk that enables you to see through walls for a few seconds after respawning.


This gives you the perfect time to predict enemy lines and makes it easier to hit those headshots.

Put on Optics:

The last tip for getting more headshots is to use optics or scopes for every weapon. It does not matter if you’re using a pistol, shotgun, or AR—optics are way better for precisely positioning your shots compared to using the bare-bones gun with iron sights.

Keep More Guns in Rotation:

Apart from getting headshots to complete the camo challenges, the next tip I would give you is to avoid unlocking camos row by row or class by class. Rather, use two to three weapons at a time in your loadout for the camo grind. This will free up space so you can use more guns in different game modes because you cannot simply pick and choose the map you are going to play. The best bet is to keep a pistol, an AR, and a sniper in rotation so that whenever you get a bigger map or a small map with narrow passageways, you can choose the right weapon for the situation. Doing this will also speed up the process because keeping more guns in rotation will allow you to make more kills, thus completing more challenges.

Game Mode:

You should always play hardcore with smaller maps while grinding camos because, in that mode, most guns will get a one-shot headshot kill.


Also, it has more players relative to other game modes, which helps you get more and more kills. Just keep in mind that playing hardcore is a little more stressful than playing core game mode because, in hardcore, players die a lot more. Other than that, it is extremely hard to play due to low health, reduced HUD size, and, most of all, friendly fire, making it very difficult to have fun if you’re not good enough. Apart from those few caveats, playing hardcore is the way to go for grinding camos.

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